Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What\’s the goal of your data?

In order to facilitate the purchase and sale of goods, our online shop will ask you for your contact information including email or name as well as postal address.

While you are on our website, we automatically record the IP address you use to access our site. This allows us to better understand the browser you use as well as your operating system.

We will email you to notify you of new products, store updates and other news.

Section 2: Consent

What\’s the best way to gain my permission?

If we ask for personal information from you in order to make a purchase or confirm the details of your credit card, to conduct an online secure transaction for arranging delivery or return for exchange of products, or for any other reason You hereby consent for its use and collection for that specific purpose.

We\’ll ask to give us permission, or we will offer you the opportunity to decline if the use isn\’t for commercial purposes.

Section 3: Disclosure

In some instances there may be a need to provide personal information when the law demands it or you have violated our terms and conditions.

SECTION 4. Services of a Third Party

Third-party service companies that employ us will typically only gather, store and use your personal information to the extent required to provide our services.

Certain third-party service providers, like payment processors, or payment gateways, have privacy policies regarding the data which we need to provide for the purpose of completing your transaction.

It is crucial to review the privacy guidelines and know how they deal with the information you provide.

Some providers will be located, or have facilities which may be different from the ones we use. When you make a purchase that requires the services of an outside service provider, the information you provide may fall under laws that apply in the jurisdictions in which the provider is located or operates.

Section 5. Section 5.

have taken all measures reasonable to protect any personal data you provide.

Every credit card\’s information is stored and transmitted with AES 256 encryption. Although no technology or system can guarantee 100 percent security, we adhere to the PCI DSS as well as other industry requirements.


You are confirming that when you access this website you have complied with the limitations on age in your province or state where you reside or have agreed to let minors, who depend on you, be able to access this site.